
Horses brought to CPH for training are individually evaluated as we impart onto them the solid foundations necessary for success on their journey to becoming top athletes. Our training program emphasizes collection, balance and relaxation, as well as the development of effective communication between rider and horse. With proper education and physical preparation we find our horses are able to rise to the demands of the sport horse world with success and a high rate of physical soundness. 


CPH riders are able to tailor their training programs to their personal needs. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced rider who shows, we can help you reach your goals. The basic principles of riding are the same for all riders, beginners and experts alike. Communication, confidence and balance are just some of these essential fundamentals, the rest of course depends on one’s riding focus and chosen discipline.  With trainers educated in both English and Western we are uniquely qualified to provide instruction to a wide range of riders from a variety of disciplines.


Keeping horses happy 

Meticulous attention is paid to the horse’s health and mental happiness, as we believe that soundness of body and mind are crucial during the training process. CPH subscribes to the philosophy that an ‘understood’ horse is more open and willing, better able to retain its lessons and develop the work ethic crucial in its development.

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Training Problematic Horses

Problem horses placed with CPH are assessed with utmost care and compassion. We understand many horses can assume a more dominant role in the horse/rider relationship. Re-establishing respect and trust is often the paramount issue. We are diligent in discovering the underlying causes of the problems behavior and addressing them with a fair guiding hand.